Auto Completion
"Show Autocomplete" and "Show Editor Templates" actions do not work when triggered from the main menu or the context menu
Check for Update
Improved error handling when trying to upgrade while an upgrade is already in progress
DB Support: DB2 LUW
Using DBMS Output gives too many concurrently open statements
DB Support: DB2 iSeries
SQL Commander
Can't select schema in SQL Commander
DB Support: Greenplum
DB Support: PostgreSQL
Incorrect partitions reported for partitioned tables
DB Support: Oracle
Explain Plan
Handle multiple predicates in Oracle's explain plan
DB Support: Redshift
Redshift driver artifacts are not compatible with each other
DB Support: Snowflake
Snowflake Create Procedure SQL Preview has bad javascript syntax
Incorrect code generated when creating a procedure or a function
DB Support: Vertica
Adjust for overloaded procedures-related changes in Vertica 12.0.4
Data tab
Rare error when closing an Object View while the Data tab is being loaded
Database Objects Tree
DB Support: Google BigQuery
Exception when expanding tables in the database objects tree
Driver Manager
Exception when changing driver name and class
Export/Import User Settings
Exception when exporting user settings and a driver file is missing
The link in the "Certificate not trusted" dialog doesn't work
Grid Component
OS Support: macOS
Can't paste grid data in some applications on macOS
Installation/Update Installation
Connections lost after upgrade if running multiple DbVisualizer instances
OS Support: Linux
Main menu is not merged with the window title bar for the first opened DbVisualizer window
OS Support: Windows
SQL Commander
DbVisualizer may lag on Windows as a result of the stale file checker accessing a slow file system
SQL Commander
Exception when handling a database error
Vertical scrollbar in SQL Commander is cut off if the window is small enough
Table Data Editor
Exception when stopping an ongoing save operation in the table data editor, and related improvements
Exception when undoing delete of row